How to choose a snack that is both delicious and good for you

Comparatif des snacks du marché: mangez du biltong

Have you ever been feeling a bit peckish and couldn't find a snack that didn't make you feel guilty?

We've been through this - as you probably have -  and discovered that most of the snacks available contain too many carbohydrates (including sugar), artificial ingredients (preservatives, colors, etc.) and fat.

To put things in perspective, we played a little game and took a quick look at some of the snacks available on the market: we added the carbohydrate/sugar and fat content per 100g for each snack. 'among them and compared the total with the protein content: the results speak for themselves, as you can see in the graph.

Of all the options available, biltong is the snack with the most protein (52%) and the least fat and sugars.

And did we mention it's also delicious, 100% natural and allergen-free?

Don't hesitate to choose from our 4 fantastic biltong recipes on and discover more about your new favorite snack!

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